Abundance Naturally

Baume bébé


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Doux et apaisant pour la peau douce de votre bébé.

Le baume pour bébé Abundance Naturally aide à traiter et à apaiser l'érythème fessier et d'autres irritations cutanées telles que la peau sèche, les démangeaisons, les brûlures mineures et les croûtes de lait.

Entièrement naturel et sans pétrole, oxyde de zinc et huiles de poisson, le baume pour bébé Abundance Naturally est sans danger pour les couches en tissu et compatible avec les doublures et autres matériaux utilisés avec les couches en tissu.

Le mélange thérapeutique d'huiles essentielles et d'herbes botaniques soigne la peau douce et sensible de bébé sans la dessécher ni agir comme une barrière contre l'humidité qui ne permet pas à la peau de respirer.

Ingrédients clés :

  • Calendula – Protège et apaise la peau irritée et tue les bactéries.
  • Stellaire moyenne – Un remède externe pour soulager les démangeaisons, les rougeurs et les irritations de la peau.
  • Hydraste - Contient des antibiotiques naturels qui combattent l'inflammation.
  • Racine de guimauve – Rafraîchit et hydrate les tissus blessés et enflammés.
  • Lavande – Réputée pour soigner les brûlures, les infections cutanées et les dommages causés par le soleil.
  • Bois de santal – Une huile essentielle parfumée couramment utilisée pour hydrater.

Tous les ingrédients :
Huile de graines de Vitis Vinifera (raisin), Prunus Dulcis (huile d'amande douce), cire d'abeille, Calendula Officinalis (souci), Stelloria Media (moon des oiseaux), Althaea Officinalis (guimauve) Racine, Hydrastis Canadensis (Goldenseal) Racine, Mentha Piperita (Menthe poivrée) Huile de feuille, Lavendula Dentata (Lavande) Huile de fleur, Santalum Album (Bois de santal), Huile de tocophérol (Vitamine E).

Mode d'emploi :
A chaque changement de couche, appliquez le baume pour bébé pour prévenir ou traiter l'érythème fessier et apaiser les autres irritations cutanées telles que la peau sèche, les démangeaisons, les brûlures mineures et les croûtes de lait.

Recommandé pour :
Tous les types de peau, en particulier les peaux sensibles.


Protects and soothes irritated skin, while also killing bacteria.

An external remedy that helps ease itchy, red, irritated skin.

Contains natural antibiotics that fight inflammation and support healing.

Marshmallow Root
Cools and moisturizes wounded or inflamed tissue for soothing relief.

Known for its ability to heal burns, skin infections, and sun damage.

A fragrant essential oil commonly used to moisturize and promote smooth skin.


With each diaper change, gently apply Baby Balm to the affected area to prevent or treat diaper rash. It can also be used to soothe dry, itchy skin, minor burns, and cradle cap.

Recommended for:
All skin types, especially sensitive skin.


Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Seed Oil, Prunus Dulcis (Sweet Almond Oil), Beeswax, Calendula Officinalis (Marigold), Stelloria Media (Chickweed), Althaea Officinalis (Marshmallow) Root, Hydrastis Canadensis (Goldenseal)Root, Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Leaf Oil, Lavendula Dentata (Lavender) Flower Oil, Santalum Album (Sandalwood), Tocopherol (Vitamin E) Oil.

Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews
Samantha Daly

This baby balm works great on my babies rashes! He had some rash on his neck and it cleared it right up, not only great for diaper rash but any rash on their body!


This is THE BEST for baby bottoms!! Baby balm even works on any cuts and scrapes I get. A little bit goes a long way. This is all that was ever used on my grandchildren and it cleared any rash extremely quick!

Excellent product

I have personally used this product for over 20 yrs and it still remains the best in my eyes . As a nurse I would love to see this in hospitals and I presently would love to see it too in long term care . We use so many zinc based products and struggle with rashes and yeast or bacteria growth . Any chance you offer sample sizes to buy for trials ?

Hi there! Please contact us at orders@abundancenaturally.com to share more details about this! Thank you

Laura Campbell
Best balm!

Bought as a gift, they love it!

Corporate greed?

Im speechless, back in 2021 only 3 years ago a 90g tin sold for 3.99$ . Now a 56g tin just under 17$. I still use this product and absolutely love it. Now myself and many I recommended baby balm too over the years are now looking for other products that might be comparable. So sad and disappointing. In the mean time we use it more sparingly and certainly won't be purchasing this product like we use too.... So sad for an AMAZING product to be out of reach financially for most....

Thank you for buying our Baby Balm! In 2021, the price was $13.99. It is small-batch produced by the original formulator, a collaboration between two women, Shannon O'Brien, owner of Abundance Naturally, and Andrea Tranter, owner of Sisi Georgian Bay. We are not a corporate nor greedy but rather two small business owners who have worked together to bring an amazing product to Canadians. This year, the original 90gm tin tripled in cost and the minimums to bring in from overseas left us no choice but to change the tin to 56gms. We produce the same formula and we pay Canadian women to hand-pour and pack our Baby Balm, plus the cost of every ingredient, label, packaging and labour has increased, we kept the price as low and fair as we could. It is not a consideration to compromise on the formula, the small-batch hand-pouring or produce outside of Canada. We hope you understand the care and value of our Baby Balm, a product we are so proud to call our own coming up on 20 years!

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